What is Internet of Things?

To put it in simple terms: All devices that are connected to the Internet, hence the name.
But why a name for it?
The benefits of computers (from around 1950) and the Internet (from around 1962-1980) are crystal clear to everyone these days, and their importance for the modern economy is undisputed.

The basic idea of ​​IoT lies in the realisation that networked computers can take over and facilitate many processes and tasks for us, which we have done manually up to now, and never with such precision before. Above all, the fact that chips are becoming more powerful, cheaper and smaller enables many new areas of application. So today we can supply you with a complete computer with a LAN or WLAN connection for only 100 CHF (no monitor, no peripherals)!

The first use of IoT dates back to a team of programmers from Carnegie Mellon University. In the early 1980s they fitted a coke machine with sensors, a computer and a network connection so that they could check from the desk whether there was coke and whether it was nicely cooled.
In 1999, Kevin Ashton, who was then working at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, officially coined the term IoT. Nowadays such "gimmicks" enable state-of-the-art real-time data acquisitions for many critical applications. Read more below.

The importance of IoT for Smart Cities

Smart City Lösungen von IT Thurgau

For cities, the growing population, the increase in traffic, but above all the use of energy are becoming ever more challenging.

In order to be able to collect data in real time, many processes can be monitored and automated with IoT devices, their sensors and actuators.
An example are waste collection points, where automatic filling displays can be implemented in order to be able to use garbage trucks more efficiently. The effects on changes in traffic management and regulations can also be examined in this way, since it is relatively inexpensive to install several hundred IoT devices with microphones and other sensors throughout the city.
Other applications: traffic monitoring, parking lot management, air quality monitoring, early warning systems for floods and avalanches, optimisation of light signals and street lighting, smart building / smart grid implementations and much more.

Process Automation

We develop our software ourselves. Therefore, our IoT services are very versatile and easy to maintain. Future extensions can also be implemented quickly cost effectively in this way.

Do you have an industrial process that you wish to automate as much as possible? Does this require sensors, motors, pumps, valves, possibly new developments? No problem, we are happy to take care of your problem.
IT Thurgau will take a quick look at your problem and create a non-binding and free feasibility study including costs for you.
Benefit from 7 years of experience in the practical implementations and maintenance of various IoT projects.

IoT Projektleitung von IT Thurgau